Thursday, August 28, 2008

I'm Missing...

...the old Keane board.

I want the old board back, kthxbai!

My 'life' there started on January 18th 2007. It ended, my last post be my witness, on August 21st 2008, as shown in the pic below:

I am missing all the CONVENIENCE that you can't get in the new board. We don't have to log in EACH DAY, replying messages are a lot easier, uploading avatars is a piece of cake and it was more stable. And the most important thing is: I MISS THE CUTE/CRAZY ASS/FUNNY emotes!!!

Seeing that the chances of us going back to the old board is pretty slim, one can only hope that they (the Keane people) can do something to make the new board better, i.e. easier to use.

Good bye, old board... Missing you already :'-(

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